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Ready to embark on your GA4 learning journey?

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I'm Jill, and I'm here to make GA4 a breeze for you. With over a decade of experience in training, troubleshooting, and consulting in analytics, I've had the privilege of working with some incredible brands. From agencies and startups to VC-backed stars and global household names, I've seen it all, and I'm excited to share all I have learned with GA4 In less than 4 hours.

GA4: Navigating the new analytics model

GA4 isn't just your average upgrade—it's a game-changer! While GA might hype it as a simple "upgrade," GA4 is actually a completely new model that will revolutionize the way we approach reporting. Don't worry if you're wondering, "How am I going to tackle this?" I'm here to guide you every step of the way.


I've delivered top-notch GA4 training and workshops for various brands and agencies, spanning ecommerce to SaaS, non-profits to VC startups, and global brands that you're familiar with. This training takes a complex topic and breaks it down into easily understandable concepts into easy-to-understand analogies, , real-world use cases, and insights gained from nearly 100 GA4 migration plans.

Every website using GA will need to break away from their familiar Universal Analytics knowledge and adapt, migrate, and embrace the power of the new GA4 platform. I get it—change can be tough. But here's the exciting part: GA4 brings incredible new opportunities that will make you jump with excitement!


This workshop is the result of years of hands-on experience with GA4. Many brands have placed their trust in me to help them navigate this transformation, and now I'm thrilled to share my knowledge with you, ensuring you have all the expertise you need.

GA4 Fundamentals Training: Unleashing Your Marketing Potential!

In this training, we'll dive deep into understanding how GA4 works and what sets it apart from Universal Analytics. We'll grasp the GA4 data model, explore its capabilities, and discover how you can leverage it to supercharge your marketing strategies. 


Here's what we'll cover together:


Setting the


We'll embark on a journey through the evolution of GA, introducing you to the amazing world of GA4. We'll explore its key differences from Universal Analytics and reveal the thrilling opportunities this new reporting tool brings.


The GA4

Data Model

Let's demystify the differences between the UA and GA4 data models. You'll gain a crystal-clear understanding of how new metrics are calculated and how events work within GA4.


Configuration of GA4 Data Stream

Once we've grasped the data model, we'll focus on getting your GA4 property configuration settings just right. The collection and configuration in the admin section directly impact your final reports. We'll address common questions and pitfalls during the migration process.


GA4 Event Mapping

This module centers around mapping out events for your measurement objectives. Together, we'll explore real-world use cases that will help you identify any blind spots in your own event mapping and refine your approach.


The Reporting Interface

Get ready to navigate the GA4 user interface like a pro! We'll break down the UI, sharing common use cases and equipping you with the skills to edit, configure, and extract valuable insights from your reports. You'll also explore funnels and path analysis, uncovering hidden gems within your data.


Your GA4 Measurement Plan

We'll discuss the essential questions you should be asking yourself and your business, ensuring that your measurement strategy aligns perfectly with your objectives. This final step will validate and refine your approach, setting you up for success.

Take Home Resources:
Empowering Your Learning Journey!

As part of this training, I'll send out a survey to all participants. This survey allows me to understand your current knowledge and confidence levels with GA4. I want to ensure I address what's most important to you and your team.


At the end of the session, you'll receive a PDF copy of the training materials. But that's not all! You'll also get a GA4 audit template to streamline your auditing process, this configuration template will help you log your configurations and put your newfound knowledge into action. To support your ongoing learning journey, I will share a helpful task list resource which has ben helpful for clients to reference as they optimize their GA4 setup.  After all, learning is more enjoyable and less stressful when you have a clear task list, and who doesn't love that satisfying feeling of checking off tasks as "job done"?

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But our journey doesn't end there! I'll follow up with a survey to benchmark your understanding and confidence levels. This will give you a tangible measure of progress and allow you to reflect on what you've learned and the actions you plan to take moving forward.

Need a Bespoke
Training Experience?

I understand that every brand is unique, and sometimes a tailored approach is what you need. If your team would benefit from a training program specifically designed to match your industry, current measurement approach, and data stream setup, I've got you covered. My bespoke training option allows me to review your GA4 ecosystem and customize the training accordingly.

Reach out to discuss how we can create a GA4 training experience that perfectly aligns with your exact needs.

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“Jill's GA4 training session was a game-changer for our team! Her collaborative approach allowed us to tailor the content to our specific needs, and her expertise made complex topics easily digestible for all. Jill's dedication to our success was evident through her extensive post-session resources, ensuring we had everything we needed to excel. Highly recommended for anyone seeking a personalized and engaging training experience that unlocks the full potential of their analytics capabilities”

Roxana Stingu, Head of Search & SEO | Alamy

Invest in Your GA4 Learning Journey Today!

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of GA4? Let's have a chat and get you on board for an exciting learning journey that will empower you to navigate GA4 with confidence and expertise. Together, we'll make GA4 analytics not only understandable but also fun and rewarding. Get in touch now, and let's embark on this incredible adventure together!

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